There’s a subject heading for that!?: multiple confounding subject headings

21 May

Lately new subject headings kept to themselves, hidden away in other items in other people’s catalogs. I enjoy TASHFT!? posts (or is that acronym ridiculous, ha!) because sometimes they are more fun to discuss than cataloging issues since they are practical and get used each day, subject headings in general that is and not necessarily the ones I highlight in these posts.

But after stumbling, as we so often do, upon the third, I knew it was time for a post. All three start with the letter c and only offer brief discussion so they work well together.

“Cheating at video games” caught my attention first. Now, before you or perhaps your kids get super excited about winning your favorite video games, just know that it only occurs twice in the LC catalog. Part of the issue with its low use is that game-specific guides are listed under that particular game. So, the Super Mario Bros. 3 guide that my friend had and used to get all the items and match up all the memory card rounds, is listed under that game rather than in this general LC classification that corresponds to this LCSH. Which is great for the users but begs why this was created, yes yes literary warrant but still I would have (almost) bet money that there were more books on this topic, and so did the person who set up the sub. head. in the first place. Yet, there isn’t a parallel one for computer games but maybe people only cheat at video games (which LC defines as television games, i.e. consoles). Or perhaps people just cheat rather than writing about cheating because if you can’t figure it out on your own or with the help of the internet than you don’t deserve to be able to cheat. Despite the straight-forward SAF, here’s a screenshot anyway, because it’s always fun to look at!:

Next up, “children’s paraphernalia”–gripping, isn’t it? It is if that’s the topic you’re cataloging! This is a sneaky sub. head. that looks vague but is actually specific, kinda. Let’s take a look and see why:

Alright, this is basically a broad term for children’s stuff. See, specific, sort of. To really cover the bases, there should be 450s for “children’s stuff” and “children’s things”, right? Since the item with this sub. head. dealt with making and assessing new products for kids, it fit well! Clearly, narrower terms are available and some are very specific if you continue down the nesting of some. Many of the narrower terms lead to items involving crafts for kid stuff, mainly knitted and crocheted blankets.

And finally, the third sub. head. that starts with a c, “cardsharping”. Huh? Comment if you recognize this term before I talk about it because I had no idea what they meant. Oh, Wikipedia, please explain! Thanks! Meaning card shark, got it. Wait, where is the cross-reference?:

I guess no one says “card sharking” and this is meant for the action and not the people. In fact, there isn’t a sub. head. for card sharks or card sharps. While there is “card players” and some narrower terms, cheating card players aren’t represented:

As always with subject headings, you have to work with what’s there. Or propose/create your own if you’re able. Seriously, I might have to write a book about card sharks to justify literary warrant. Watching those cable professional poker marathons are fun during a hotel stay!


Posted by on May 21, 2012 in Uncategorized


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4 responses to “There’s a subject heading for that!?: multiple confounding subject headings

  1. Lorna Flynn

    May 21, 2012 at 8:45 pm

    I’ll have to relay the information to my card sharks on Wednesday!

    • ReadWriteLib

      May 21, 2012 at 8:47 pm

      Do you have cheaters in the group? If you do, we can write a book about it and create it’s literary warrant! Or we’ll make up a novel about card sharks in the wild wild west. 😉

      • Lorna Flynn

        May 22, 2012 at 2:01 am

        I am not naming any names….

  2. Helen Saunders

    May 28, 2012 at 5:57 pm

    Hopped over from my musings on subject headings to yours! Yes, I have to confess, I did know the word card sharp, but then that’s because my English is the British variety not normally favoured by LCSH, and I think it’s the more usual term here. I haven’t come across it as a verb though.
    Very inconsistent with the first heading but I suppose videogamesharping would be a step too far!